Lodu kävutajas:Motoranger
Tulgat tervhin Vepsän Vikipedijaha! -- Koiravva (arutelu) 20. uhoku 2019, kell 19:47 (MSK)
Community Insights Survey
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Motoranger,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Vikipedii and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) 6. sügüz’ku 2019, kell 17:48 (MSK)
- Tehtud -- Motoranger (arutelu) 23. sügüz’ku 2019, kell 09:46 (MSK)
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Motoranger,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) 20. sügüz’ku 2019, kell 18:14 (MSK)
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Motoranger,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) 3. reduku 2019, kell 22:52 (MSK)
- Tehtud (Done) about a month ago. -- Motoranger (arutelu) 4. reduku 2019, kell 08:32 (MSK)
Tervhen. Tahtoin küzuda minun vigoiden polhe
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Tervhen. Kitän, miše keradad kaik minun vigoid lehtpoliš, no minai om küzundoid; ole hüvä, sel'gita niid:
- «Hän oli üks'jäižen lapsen perehes». Mikš genitiv/akkuzativ? Se ei ole tegendan objekt, sikš, minä meletin, pidab kävutada nominativas.
- «Kävutadas euskaldun-sanad värin paksus». Mikš partitiv, ei akkuzativ? Nece sana om üks'jäine, ei ole tošt mugošt sanad. Mugažo: «Nece ristit ed teda baskan kel't» Möst, mikš partitiv? Mail'mas ei ole tošt mugošt kel't.
- «Ottas kävutamižhe toist vajeht harvemba nügüd'aigan». Mitte känd se om? Voib olda, viga?
- «Rokgrupp om pästnu kahesa al'bomad». Mikš «al'bomad» ei seižu partitivas? Minä lugin openduzkirjas, miše kävutadas sanoid partitivas luguiden jäl'ghe.
Kitän möst. Toivotan hüvän päivän. Eniisi Lisika (arutelu) 28. tal’vku 2020, kell 13:37 (MSK)
Re:. Andan vastust:
- Se om essiv.
- Se akkuzativ, no voib olda kaks' lopindad: -n i -d. Vologdan regionas -d-lopind om paksumb; piidab kirjutada -n-lopindad harvemba, toižin vaiše -n-lopindad lindäs sanundas, se telustab el'geta.
- Dialektine form, eile viga. Aigemba se oli päine form.
- Se om partitivas-ki. Kebnemb! -- Motoranger (arutelu) 28. tal’vku 2020, kell 13:57 (MSK)
- Sur' kitän, Motoranger, nügüd' toimetan. Vepsän kel't tedan völ hondoin, sikš miše openun mugažo toižid kelid. Openun ezmäi üht, siloi jätan necen kelen da openun tošt, siloi möst openun ezmäižen. Tedad, miše mail'mas om äi erazvuiččid kelid, kudambad oma mel'hetartujad (no anglijan kel' ei ole minei mel'he) da minä en voi eläda kelita. Kirjutada vepsän kelel om minei tobj ilo, sikš miše nece kel' om lujas harv da mugoižed keled oma kaikiš mel'hižemba minun täht. Se om lujas pahamel'ne, konz čoma kel' koleb, no minä toivon, miše vepsän kel't nikonz ei unohtagoi. Tahtoižin torata necen kelen täht, no mö kaik toimetam, miše mail'mas om äi «vägevid kelid», kudambad muretas «vägitomid kelid». Toivon, miše en kirjuta vepsäks lujas hondoin da sinä mindai toimetad.
Hüvä, necen pit'kän tekstan jäl'ghe, pakičen sindai möst. Nügüd', ole hüvä, kirjuta nened sanad vepsäks minun täht. En voi löuta vajehnikoiš Eniisi Lisika (arutelu) 28. tal’vku 2020, kell 15:31 (MSK):
(Eile vajehnikoid läheli)
- Странный - vas'kmäine (mugažo suomeks)
- Удовольствие - mel'hüvüz
- Наслаждаться - sada mel'hüvüt
- Почти - läz
- Исправлять - koheta
- Скучный - tuskasine
- Ненавидеть - nenalouta (nenalöuta?)
- Выживать - jäda (päzutada) henghe, jäda eläbiden keskes
- Полагать - meletada
- Однако - no
- Управлять - ohjastada, ohjata
- Кроме - (за исключением) päiči siš; (вдобавок) sen ližaks
- Действительно / вправду - todeks
- Пробовать / пытаться - kodvda / naprida
- Обычный / обычно - järgeline / jäl'geližikš, päpaloin
- Будущее - tulii (tuleb) aig
- Уничтожать - kačustada, likvidiruida
- Прошлое - enzne, männu aig
- Просто - muite; kebnas; koveritomašti
- Слишком - ani
Om kirjutanu. -- Motoranger (arutelu) 28. tal’vku 2020, kell 16:13 (MSK)
Toivotan ozad.
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Eniisi Lisika (arutelu) 31. tal’vku 2020, kell 22:10 (MSK)
Translation request
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Hello.
Can you translate and upload the articles en:Azerbaijanis and en:Azerbaijani language in Vepsian Wikipedia? They certainly do not need to be long and detailed.
Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (arutelu) 1. kül’mku 2021, kell 00:55 (MSK)
- Article vep:Azerbaidžanan kel' is done. Article vep:Azerbaidžanlaižed is not in list 10000 articles. Motoranger (arutelu) 1. kül’mku 2021, kell 11:05 (MSK)
- Thank you very much for the new article and all the best! Multituberculata (arutelu) 1. kül’mku 2021, kell 15:14 (MSK)
Hello dear Motoranger, I'd be glad if you could translate this article into Veps. It doesn't need to be long, just a few sentences are good.
Yours sincerely,ChipsBaMast (arutelu) 18. tal’vku 2021, kell 18:44 (MSK)
- I'm just adding articles that already exist. You can create short article in English or Russian, and I'll translate. Motoranger (arutelu) 20. tal’vku 2021, kell 11:44 (MSK)
Pixel sizes are deprecated for images, because they override user preferences. Instead, it's better to use "upright=X". E.g. "upright=2" displays at twice the reader's preferred size, "upright=0.5" at half the reader's preferred size. "300px" will be fixed at 300 pixels, which may be intended to be larger than normal, but for some readers may be smaller than normal. This can be a problem if the reader has a high-resolution monitor or has poor eyesight. Kwamikagami (arutelu) 16. sulaku 2023, kell 13:26 (MSK)
- Dear Kwamikagami!
- There's no reader's preferred size in Vepsian Wikipedia, and if no px size at all in image description in the article, that really may poor eyesight (it will may be very-very large scale, more that all monitor). As I say - to what 1.5 ? - because preferred size not installed at all, no 200px (as in Japanese wiki), no 250px as for my opinion, and I can't find how to do that. Motoranger (arutelu) 16. sulaku 2023, kell 13:38 (MSK)
Рөстәм Нурыев
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Привет. Я Рустам Нурыев из БашВики. Хочу переговорить по вопросу развития проекта на вепском языке. Мой номер вастап +79173472253, на телеге https://t.me/rnuriev1. Дайте, пожалуйста, свои контакты. Я перезвоню. Рөстәм Нурыев (arutelu) 13. kezaku 2023, kell 11:02 (MSK)
- Рустам Нурыев, зачем усложнять? Пишите прямо здесь, никаких тайн. Motoranger (arutelu) 13. kezaku 2023, kell 11:11 (MSK)
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Здравствуйте. Я расставлял примечания в статьях. Вы кое-где отменили мои правки, сказав, что это спам. Однако я не занимался спамом, а лишь переносил примечания из рувики. Не стал начинать войну правок и поэтому пишу тут. Bumın qahan (pagišta) 4. Viluku 2024, kell 22:34 (MSK)
- Это не рувики, я не успеваю исправлять то, что не должен. Оформляйте сразу правильно, а если не можете, нечего заниматься спамом, обзывая некий набор символов "примечанием". Если вставить определение из русскоязычной энциклопедии в enwiki, это будет спамом. Пусть лучше ничего не стоит. Motoranger (pagišta) 4. Viluku 2024, kell 22:46 (MSK)
- сноска на другом языке = спам? такого правила нигде нет. во всех википедиях, в том числе в enwiki, полно статей со сносками не на языке соответствующего раздела. Bumın qahan (pagišta) 4. Viluku 2024, kell 23:24 (MSK)
- Если то сноска, а не её попытка! Это не русскоязычная википедия, топорная культура всего и вся здесь отсутствует. Знаете русский - вот там и правьте, многие превратно понимают, что "править может каждый"! Ясно же, что не совсем каждый, а нормальные адекватные люди. Глянуть хоть тысячную статью Технология - всё пришлось и будет переписывать с enwiki, русская написана отвратительно. Motoranger (pagišta) 4. Viluku 2024, kell 23:37 (MSK)
- сноска на другом языке = спам? такого правила нигде нет. во всех википедиях, в том числе в enwiki, полно статей со сносками не на языке соответствующего раздела. Bumın qahan (pagišta) 4. Viluku 2024, kell 23:24 (MSK)
Translation request
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Hello. Can you translate this article (ru:Жаков, Каллистрат Фалалеевич) into the Vepsian Wikipedia? Bumın qahan (pagišta) 22. Keväz’ku 2024, kell 15:32 (MSK)
- Good day! No, I can't, I have no so much time, try yourself. -- Motoranger (pagišta) 22. Keväz’ku 2024, kell 16:43 (MSK)
[vajehtada lähtetekst]Tervhen!
Tombai tegin par ut lehtpol’t, kändin. Nägen, miše Tö redaktoit niid. Kitän teiden vajehtusiš. No en voi el’geta, min täht Tö vajehtat mugažo apostrofad. Minä kävutan apostrofad ’ (U+2019), kudambad kävutadas kaikiš painusiš – ozutesikš, Abramovan runokirjoiš, vajehnikoiš, toižiden ližaks (hot’ Petroskoin, hot’ Piterin), VepKaras, OmaMedias ime. Nägen, miše kogonaz Vepsän Vikipedijas ei ole järgendust apostrofidenke, da arvostan Teiden taht unifikoimaha se azj. No Tö kävutat apostrof ' (U+0027), kudamb radab Viki-znamoitandas, da kävutadas vepsäks vaiše konz eile normativišt apostrofad kosketimes (Kut Gboard:as). Ei paremba-k oliži tehta kut kaikiš lähtkiš?
Tetpas, se küzünd pidab pätta kogonaižen vep-vikin ramoiš, miše päzuda neciš järgendusetomudespäi no nügüd’ lujas pakičen jätta hot’ minai tehtud kirjutused minai kirjutud apostrofidenke.
Kitän Ростислав Мельников (pagišta) 30. heinku 2024, kell 19:20 (MSK)
Reboi da koir
[vajehtada lähtetekst]On Reboi da koir#Roliden änetoitand, it needs Polivanovan system in names and surnames. Can you fix it? Also, would it be OK if I added more content in English to translate? For example, "It is loosely based on the 1967 novel of the same name by Daniel P. Mannix. It tells the story of the unlikely friendship between a red fox named Tod and a hound named Copper." I would like to add to Liv da Meddi as well. Liv and Meddi are also best friends. I know a lot about these topics, they are some of my favorites. 2600:1700:EAF1:91F0:F17A:163B:99B0:F9EF 28. eloku 2024, kell 17:17 (MSK)
- All content in another language will be deleted, so the rules of Wikipedia. -- Motoranger (pagišta) 29. eloku 2024, kell 07:51 (MSK)
- But is there a way to request translations? Like the Polivanovan system in names and surnames. Yesterday I created Nemon ecmižiš and today I created Reboi da koir 2. I was requesting a translation of the two sentences about Reboi da koir. Is there a way to request expansion of articles? 2600:1700:EAF1:91F0:F17A:163B:99B0:F9EF 29. eloku 2024, kell 20:36 (MSK)