Kävutajan tehtud rad VulpesVulpes42
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kävutai 15 vajehtusidenke. Lehtpol' om tehtud 6. uhoku 2020.
4. viluku 2025
- 00:294. viluku 2025, kell 00:29 erod istorii +7 Tallidn PNG→SVG
14. sügüz’ku 2023
- 21:2414. sügüz’ku 2023, kell 21:24 erod istorii +1 p Jihvi (GR) File:Johvi coatofarms.png → File:Jõhvi valla vapp.svg PNG→SVG nügüdläine
- 20:4414. sügüz’ku 2023, kell 20:44 erod istorii −5 p Sillamäe (GR) File:Sillamae coatofarms.png → File:Sillamäe vapp.svg PNG→SVG nügüdläine
- 20:2214. sügüz’ku 2023, kell 20:22 erod istorii +4 p Sillamäe (GR) File:Sillamae flag.png → File:Flag of Sillamäe.svg PNG→SVG
- 18:1614. sügüz’ku 2023, kell 18:16 erod istorii −12 p Räpin (GR) File:Coat of arms of Räpina Parish.jpg → File:Räpina valla vapp.svg JPG→SVG nügüdläine
- 14:3314. sügüz’ku 2023, kell 14:33 erod istorii −8 p Paide (GR) File:EST Paide linn COA.png → File:Paide vapp.svg PNG→SVG nügüdläine
21. eloku 2023
- 22:4721. eloku 2023, kell 22:47 erod istorii +17 Heinol Added the city flag to the article. (Sorry for writing in English.)
25. kezaku 2022
- 18:4725. kezaku 2022, kell 18:47 erod istorii +2 Bergen Replaced a logo element (the use of which is disallowed outside of the complete logo) with the actual arms of Bergen. (Sorry for writing in English.)
13. sulaku 2022
- 01:2713. sulaku 2022, kell 01:27 erod istorii +3 p Louhin rajon (GR) File:Flag of Loukhsky rayon.png → File:Flag of Loukhsky District.svg PNG→SVG
- 00:5813. sulaku 2022, kell 00:58 erod istorii −7 p Kemin rajon (GR) File:Coat of Arms of Kemsky rayon (Karelia).jpg → File:Coat of Arms of Kemsky District.svg JPG→SVG
8. reduku 2021
- 23:058. reduku 2021, kell 23:05 erod istorii +20 Hüvinkä Added the city flag to the article. (Sorry for writing in English.)
21. heinku 2021
- 23:0921. heinku 2021, kell 23:09 erod istorii +16 Raisio Added the city flag to the article. (Sorry for writing in English.)
23. kül’mku 2020
- 17:3523. kül’mku 2020, kell 17:35 erod istorii 0 Suomenman lidnad Updated the article with a map showing the cities of Finland in 2020. (Sorry for writing in English.) nügüdläine
19. heinku 2020
- 21:0619. heinku 2020, kell 21:06 erod istorii 0 Vas (lidn) Better images of the arms and flag of Vaasa. (Sorry for writing in English.)
18. heinku 2020
- 22:1118. heinku 2020, kell 22:11 erod istorii −1 Jogensu (lidn) JPG→SVG